
Idosos ganham programa de rádio

Apresentadora Cecília Toledo e o cardiologista Kerr Saraiva, durante a gravação do Papo de Calçada

Por: Bianca Garutti

Cecília Toledo e Kerr Saraiva: objetivo é dar voz às pessoas idosas (Foto: Bianca Garutti)

Neste sábado, dia 26, vai ao ar, na rádio Brasil Campinas, a terceira edição do programa Papo de Calçada. Com duração estimada em 30 minutos, a proposta faz parte de um projeto de extensão para estudantes de jornalismo da PUC-Campinas, que tem como objetivo associar os temas comunicação e envelhecimento. Segundo a coordenadora do projeto e apresentadora do programa, professora Cecília Toledo, a intenção é dar voz às pessoas idosas para que possam compartilhar experiências e debater estratégias para envelhecer de forma saudável.

Beginner’s Tips for Online Betting in the UK

Are you intrigued by the world of online betting but unsure where to start? Whether you’re a sports enthusiast looking to add an extra layer of excitement to your favorite games or simply curious about trying your luck in the digital realm, this beginner’s guide to online betting in the UK is just what you need. As one of the most popular forms of entertainment and potential profit-making opportunities on the internet, online betting offers a thrilling experience for those who approach it wisely.

In this article, we will delve into the essential tips and strategies that every newcomer to online betting should know. From understanding the basics of odds and bet types to exploring the top platforms and promotions available in the UK market, we will equip you with the knowledge and confidence to make informed decisions and enhance your online betting experience. So, grab your virtual seat and get ready to embark on an exciting journey into the world of online betting, where every click could lead to a winning outcome!

Understanding the Legal Landscape of Online Betting in the UK

When starting out with online betting in the UK, it’s important to choose a reputable platform like Betzella. This website offers a user-friendly interface and a wide range of betting options for beginners to explore. By visiting, newcomers can get started on their betting journey in a safe and secure environment.

One of the key beginner’s tips for online betting is to set a budget and stick to it. It’s easy to get carried away with the excitement of betting, but responsible gambling is crucial. By establishing a budget and not exceeding it, beginners can enjoy the thrill of betting without risking more than they can afford to lose.

Another important tip for beginners is to do thorough research before placing bets. Understanding the odds, different types of bets, and the sports or events you are betting on can significantly improve your chances of success. Betzella provides valuable resources and information to help beginners make informed decisions when placing bets online.

Choosing a Reputable Online Betting Site: Key Considerations

For beginners looking to venture into online betting in the UK, there are several important tips to keep in mind to enhance the overall experience and increase the chances of success. Here are some key pointers to consider:

1. Research and Choose Reputable Betting Sites: Before placing any bets, it is crucial to research and select reputable online betting sites that are licensed by the UK Gambling Commission. Look for platforms with positive reviews, secure payment options, and a user-friendly interface.

2. Start Small and Set Limits: It is advisable for beginners to start with small bets to familiarize themselves with the process and minimize potential losses. Additionally, setting betting limits in advance can help prevent overspending and maintain responsible gambling habits.

3. Understand the Odds and Different Bet Types: Take the time to understand how odds work and the various types of bets available, such as singles, accumulators, and live betting. Learning about odds can assist in making informed decisions and maximizing potential returns.

4. Practice Bankroll Management: Effective bankroll management is essential for long-term success in online betting. Allocate a specific budget for betting activities and avoid chasing losses by sticking to a predetermined plan. By managing your bankroll wisely, you can enjoy online betting responsibly and sustainably.

Setting Realistic Budgets and Limits for Responsible Betting

For beginners looking to delve into the world of online betting in the UK, it’s essential to start with a reputable and licensed betting site. Ensure the platform is regulated by the UK Gambling Commission, which provides a level of security and protection for players. This step helps guarantee a fair betting environment and safeguards your personal and financial information.

Before placing any bets, take the time to understand the different types of online bets available. Whether it’s traditional sports betting, live betting, or casino games, familiarize yourself with the rules and odds of each option. Additionally, set a budget for your betting activities and stick to it. Responsible gambling is key to enjoying the experience without risking more than you can afford to lose.

Research is crucial when it comes to online betting. Take advantage of resources such as expert tips, analysis, and statistics to make informed decisions. By staying informed about the latest trends and developments in the world of sports or casino games, you can increase your chances of making successful bets. Remember that luck plays a role, but knowledge and strategy can significantly impact your outcomes.

Lastly, make use of bonuses and promotions offered by online betting sites. Welcome bonuses, free bets, and loyalty rewards can enhance your betting experience and provide extra value. However, always read the terms and conditions associated with these offers to understand any wagering requirements or restrictions. With these beginner’s tips in mind, you can approach online betting in the UK with confidence and enjoy the excitement of wagering responsibly.

Exploring Popular Online Betting Markets and Odds Formats

Are you new to online betting in the UK and looking to get started? Here are some beginner’s tips to help you navigate this exciting world:

Understand the Basics: Before placing any bets, take the time to understand the basics of online betting. Familiarize yourself with different types of bets, odds formats, and how to place a bet on a betting site.

Choose a Reputable Betting Site: It is crucial to select a reputable and licensed betting site to ensure a safe and secure betting experience. Look for sites that are regulated by the UK Gambling Commission to guarantee fair play and reliable payouts.

Start Small: As a beginner, it’s wise to start with small bets to get a feel for how online betting works. Avoid wagering large amounts until you are more confident in your understanding of the betting process and have developed a strategy.

Set Limits and Gamble Responsibly: Online betting can be fun and rewarding, but it’s essential to set limits on how much you are willing to spend and to gamble responsibly. Remember that betting should be enjoyable, so never bet more than you can afford to lose.

Leveraging Bonuses and Promotions to Enhance Your Betting Experience

When starting out with online betting in the UK, it’s crucial to begin with a reputable and licensed betting site. Look for operators that are licensed by the UK Gambling Commission, ensuring a safe and secure betting environment. Additionally, consider the variety of betting options offered by the site, such as sports betting, casino games, and virtual sports, to find the best fit for your interests.

Before placing any bets, take the time to understand the odds and how they work. Odds represent the likelihood of a particular outcome and determine your potential winnings. Learning how to read and interpret odds will help you make informed betting decisions. It’s also important to set a budget for your betting activities and stick to it. Responsible gambling is key to enjoying the experience without risking more than you can afford to lose.

As a beginner, start with small stakes and gradually increase your bets as you gain more experience and confidence. This approach will help you manage your bankroll effectively and minimize potential losses. Keep track of your bets and analyze your results to identify successful strategies and areas for improvement. Remember that online betting should be fun and entertaining, so don’t chase losses or bet more than you can comfortably afford.

Lastly, take advantage of bonuses and promotions offered by online betting sites to enhance your betting experience. Many operators provide welcome bonuses, free bets, and other incentives to attract new customers. Be sure to read the terms and conditions of these offers to understand any wagering requirements or restrictions. By utilizing bonuses wisely, you can boost your betting bankroll and potentially increase your winnings.

As you embark on your online betting journey in the UK, remember that knowledge is your greatest ally. By following these beginner’s tips, you can navigate the world of online betting with confidence and make informed decisions. Always prioritize researching and understanding the betting markets, setting realistic goals, and managing your bankroll responsibly. With the right approach, online betting can be an exciting and rewarding experience. Stay informed, stay disciplined, and most importantly, enjoy the thrill of the game responsibly.

O programa, que irá ao ar semanalmente, conta também com a presença do padre, professor de teologia e doutor em ciências da religião José Antônio Boareto. Ele irá tratar sobre comunicação violenta e sua influência nas relações sociais.

Papo de Calçada conta com o apoio de líderes da Pastoral da Pessoa Idosa, um grupo ligado à igreja que busca exercitar a troca de experiências por meio de visitas às residências de pessoas acima de 60 anos, propondo uma companhia para conversar, aconselhar e principalmente escutar. A edição deste sábado conta também com a participação da líder comunitária Carmem Correa, para falar sobre como é o exercício de escutar com amorosidade.

A atriz Carla Hossiri: “Melhora a capacidade mental que se adquire devido à necessidade de memorização das marcações e das falas” (Foto: Bianca Garutti)

Na terça-feira do dia 15, foram gravados, no estúdio da rádio Brasil Campinas, os programas que vão ao ar nos dias 23 e 30 de setembro. Eles contarão com as participações do cardiologista e professor José Francisco Kerr Saraiva e da atriz e professora de teatro para idosos Carla Hossiri, respectivamente. Sob perspectivas diferentes, ambos vão explicar a influência dos hábitos na forma como cada indivíduo encara a fase da terceira idade.

Com 44 anos de profissão, o professor Saraiva trará ao debate um olhar mais clínico, fazendo alertas para que os jovens comecem, desde cedo, a zelar por um envelhecimento mais saudável. “Com atividade física, peso adequado, sem tabaco e, se beber, fazer moderadamente, você terá a chance de ter uma longevidade considerável e distante de problemas cardíacos, além de aumentar o aproveitamento do processo de chagada até à velhice, ou seja, a juventude”, ponderou o cardiologista no decorrer da gravação.

Durante a entrevista, o professor chama a atenção aos malefícios do tabaco para o envelhecimento e revela sua preocupação com a popularização do fumo entre o público jovem. Ao ser questionado sobre o destaque que o cigarro eletrônico recebe nos meios sociais, Saraiva diz que o recomendado e o mais saudável é não fumar, seja narguilé, cigarro tradicional ou eletrônico.

Kerr Saraiva concede entrevista às alunas Júlia Sabatin (esq.) e Ana Clara Berruezo (Foto: Bianca Garutti)

Carla discute o teatro como ferramenta para melhorar a forma como a pessoa idosa se comunica, já que existem exercícios que trabalham a voz e a expressão corporal, contribuindo para que o idoso tenha mais segurança ao falar. “É surpreendente o nível de criatividade, de entrega, de parceria e comprometimento que meus alunos de teatro da terceira idade têm com o trabalho. A melhora é visível, não apenas a física, mas também a capacidade mental que se adquire devido à necessidade de memorização das marcações e das falas”, explica a professora. 

Segundo a atriz, a terceira idade é o momento em que as pessoas costumam se sentir mais livres e, movidas pela curiosidade, podem se interessar e experimentar novas atividades, dando espaço ao teatro. Carla conta que muitos de seus alunos com mais de 60 anos apreciam a atuação desde a época da juventude, mas que apenas agora, na velhice, se sentem à vontade de participar das aulas.

Papo de Calçada vai ao ar todos os sábados às 16:30 na rádio Brasil Campinas AM, faixa 1270, com transmissões também pelo site Cada programa contará com a presença de novos convidados e terá a participação, por meio de perguntas, dos estudantes extensionistas.

Orientação: Prof. Carlos A. Zanotti

Edição: Melyssa Kell

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Digitais é um produto laboratorial da Faculdade de Jornalismo da PUC-Campinas, com publicações desenvolvidas pelos alunos nas disciplinas práticas e nos projetos experimentais para a conclusão do curso. Alunos monitores/editores de agosto a setembro de 2023: Bianca Campos Bernardes Daniel Ribeiro dos Santos Gabriela Fernandes Cardoso Lamas, Gabriela Moda Battaglini Giovana Sotterp Isabela Ribeiro de Meletti Marina de Andrade Favaro Melyssa Kell Sousa Barbosa Murilo Araujo Sacardi Théo Miranda de Lima Professores responsáveis: Carlos Gilberto Roldão, Carlos A. Zanotti e Rosemary Bars.